Become a Liquidity Provider:
To be eligible for registration as a Liquidity provider in respect of a Specified Security, an applicant must be licensed by the CBB and be a member of the BHB (exclusively a locally incorporated broker-dealer).
Liquidity Provider Registration:
In addition to the eligibility and registration requirements for Liquidity Provider in BHB, the applicant must comply with the application procedures and submit the relevant information and documents as determined by BHB
through the provided links below:
Application Form
Application Form Attachments
Authorized Liquidity Providers
 | Telephone: +973 17005700
Key Contact: Zaid Aloul
Mubasher Capital B.S.C (c)
Listed Companies (Stocks):
 | Telephone: +973 17515000
Key Contact: Shaikha Kamal
SICO B.S.C (c)
Listed Companies (Stocks):