International Organization of Securities Commissions The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is the international body that brings together the world's securities regulators and is recognized as the global standard setter for the securities sector. IOSCO develops, implements and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for securities regulation. It works intensively with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on the global regulatory reform agenda. IOSCO was established in 1983. Its membership regulates more than 95% of the world's securities markets in more than 115 jurisdictions; securities regulators in emerging markets account for 75% of its ordinary membership. |
World Federation of Exchanges The World Federation of Exchanges is the trade association for the operators of regulated financial exchanges. With 64 members from around the globe, the WFE develops and promotes standards in markets, supporting reform in the regulation of OTC derivatives markets, international cooperation and coordination among regulators. WFE exchanges are home to nearly 45,000 listed companies. WFE statistics database covers more than 350 indicators and 70 years of data from exchanges worldwide.
The Arab Federation of Capital Markets The Arab Federation of Capital Markets (AFCM) was established in June 1978 by the League of Arab States. The mission of the Federation is to create a transparent environment for the Arab capital markets, develop market members and reduce the barriers of security trading across the countries through establishing harmony across the laws and regulations of the Arab countries, adopting new technologies and advanced trading and clearing settlements. The AFCM is the Arab industry group for 17 exchanges and 3 Clearing houses (CSD’s), and multiple of affiliate members (financial institutions, brokerage firms) from all around the Arab regions (GCC, Levant and Arab African countries). In 2022, Bahrain Bourse assumed Chairmanship of AFCM for a period of one-year (2022-2023). During the Chairmanship tenure, Bahrain Bourse aims to further advance the efforts to develop its capabilities and efforts with the aim of making a unique change in its work systems and models at the institutional and technical levels. This will ensure the continuity of the Federation’s role to further support Arab stock exchanges in a more efficient manner, and enhance its capabilities and competitiveness to promote inter-Arab trade in securities as one of the most important financing sources of the economic and social development plans of our Arab nation.
Africa & Middle East Depositories Association AMEDA was established in April 27 2005. AMEDA is a non-profit organization comprised of Central Securities Depositories and Clearing Houses in AFRICA & The MIDDLE EAST. The Africa & Middle East Depositories Association is formed for the benefit of its Member community, as an elective, inter-professional and regional facility to foster a spirit of cooperation, reciprocity and harmony among members, to achieve those objectives it determines from time to time.
Association of National Numbering Agencies ANNA (the “Association of National Numbering Agencies”) is a global industry association, with a presence in excess of 120 countries, comprising a membership of Central Banks, Central Securities Depositories, Data Vendors, Regulators and Stock Exchanges. The objective of ANNA is to provide actionable global ID and reference data products and services to global market participants, including Regulators and the financial services industry to uniquely identify, classify and describe entities and financial instruments.
Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative The United Nation’s Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative is a peer-to-peer learning platform that aims to engage & encourage exchanges in collaboration with investors, regulators, and listed companies to adopt sustainability factors in their corporate strategy which includes environmental factors, social factors, and corporate governance issues. In February 2019, Bahrain Bourse announced its voluntary commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative to promote sustainable and transparent capital markets in cooperation with listed companies and other related stakeholders.
Middle East Investor Relations Association (MEIRA) The Middle East Investor Relations Association (‘MEIRA’) is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the Investor Relations (IR) profession and international standards in corporate governance across the Middle East. The mission of MEIRA is to enhance the reputation, efficiency and attractiveness of the Middle East capital markets. In partnership with stock exchanges, regulators and other market participants, MEIRA supports companies through its workshops, professional development and certification programmes. Bahrain Bourse announced the establishment of MEIRA – Bahrain Chapter in April 2019, which is headed by Bahrain Bourse in collaboration with the Founding Members which includes Aluminium Bahrain (‘ALBA’), Bank ABC, Bahrain Telecommunications Company (‘Batelco’), Ithmaar Holding, National Bank of Bahrain, and SICO BSC (c).